Kerala kicks off male sterilisation drive
By K.E. Krishna Kumar
The move could invite wide criticism from population experts. (Picture for representational purposes only - AP)
Males below 45 in Kerala, be warned.
An ASHA worker or a JPH nurse may appear at your doorway any day to convince you to undergo sterilisation.
The National Rural Health Mission, in an effort to achieve the national Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 per cent, has set a target of five male sterilisations every day for district hospitals and two for taluk hospitals.
The male sterilisation programme kicks off on Monday.
The move could invite wide criticism from population experts especially since Kerala is in a comfortable position at 1.7 per cent TFR.
“As per the circular issued by the Central government, the male sterilisation target for district hospitals is five a day and that for taluk hospitals in two daily,” said Dr K.V. Beena, district programme manager of NRHM.
"No one has to compulsorily undergo the process but we will update the eligible couple register in each of our sub-centres and give awareness programmes."
In Kerala, the programme will mainly be carried out in seven districts including Ernakulam.
State Planning Board member K.N. Harilal said that giving targets was dangerous since some communities have a low replacement rate.
“Many who don’t have exposure and awareness will agree to undergo sterilisation,” he said.