Drass polo promotion team leaves for Manipur

Drass polo promotion team leaves for ManipurDrass polo promotion team leaves for Manipur
Drass March 4:A Polo Team from Drass (Kargil), sponsored by a voluntary organization, Drass Polo Promotion (DPP), has left for Imphal on Saturday to participate in the XXIII Governor’s Horse Polo Cup.
The championship is organized by the Manipur Polo Association and will be starting from March 7.
We are trying to take this sport to every corner of the state and attract more and more youth to take up to this ancient sport,” team manager Muhammad Amin said.
The team comprises of Ahmadulla (Captain), Ghulam Mustafa, Mohamad  Younis,  and Murtaza Ali. Muhammad Amin is the Coach cum Manager of the team. The matches will be played on 4-Aside format.
Giving details about the Polo activities in Drass, Amin said they have successfully organized Lalit Suri Memorial Polo Cup every year which is followed by Vijay Dewas cup and Chief Minister’s cup.