PM Singh- "a dithering, ineffectual bureaucrat"

PM Singh cartoon  
India’s PM – lost and helpless.
India’s pathetic PM has also blaming the social media for aggravating tensions in the country.
Has he paused to reflect on his own chronic failures on all fronts?
Overseas they dismiss him as a joke.Last month (August 2012), Time magazine had dubbed PM Singh as an "underachiever".
PM Singh underachiever (Time cover 16Jul12)
This month, leading US daily, the Washington Post (05 Sep 2012) has described Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as "dithering, ineffectual bureaucrat presiding over a deeply corrupt government".
The Post has criticised Singh's performance in an article "India's 'silent' prime minister becomes a tragic figure".
The critics say that the soft-spoken 79-year old Manmohan Singh is in "danger of going down in history as a failure".
The article quoted political historian Ramachandra Guha as saying, “More and more, he has become a tragic figure in our history— a man fatally handicapped by his timidity, complacency and intellectual dishonesty.”
Under Singh, economic reforms have stalled, growth has slowed sharply and the rupee has collapsed. But just as damaging to his reputation is the accusation that he looked the other way and remained silent as his cabinet colleagues filled their own pockets.
In the process, he has transformed himself from an object of respect to one of ridicule, said Sanjaya Baru, Singh’s media adviser during his first term.
At meetings and conferences, he goes about with his vacuous expression, talks as little as possible, cannot speak off the cuff and shows no evidence of humour.
But PM Singh is not resigning. Neither are the Indian people calling for his resignation. Perhaps they feel there is no better or brighter candidate to be found.

This vast land has never been able to govern itself since independence. After all, it was under foreign influence and occupation for a thousand years, including 250 years under the Mughals and 200 under the British. It has apparently still not recovered from that hangover. Perhaps India was never meant to be a state (in the western sense) – just a satrap to a big power like the US.
India has never produced great leaders – just monuments to mediocrity. Here are potential Indian leaders:
Leader Anna Hazare 
  (Can you imagine him speaking at the UN?)
Ramdev & cronies 
Ramdev and cronies
Clearly India cannot govern without help.
Is it perhaps time to call for tutorship from the British or the Chinese?