Government figures out a way to intercept BBM

The battle began approximately 18 months ago when the government of India decided that it wanted the option to intercept BBM messages. Well, it looks like government base finally had the last laugh as now it has deciphered a way to intercept BBM messages. Mail Today is reporting that security agencies in the country claim that the backend to intercept the 256-bit encryption on BBM messages will be soon up and running and the various agencies will have the ability to tap BBM messages.
Additionally, the story states that such tapping of the messaging service will only be called upon in extreme circumstances where devices are being used to hatch terror plots.
Earlier this year in February, RIM had set up a server in Mumbai in accordance with Indian law.
The eight agencies that are authorized to tap phone calls, emails as well as voice and data communications domestically are the Intelligence Bureau (IB), Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Enforcement Directorate (ED), Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), National Technical Research Organization (NTRO) and the state police.
While, RIM had granted access to its BBM service to China and the US, it remained pretty adamant at not allowing the same access to India.