Want rain? Just arrange a frogs' wedding

In a land in which rationality and critical thinking are in short supply, superstitious practices are plentiful.
India ranks high on such practices.
One such practice is invoking the gods for rain in parched areas.
The gods have to be approached symbolically – involving either holy men or animals. No explanation is offered.
Holy men (chest deep in water) chant mantras to appease rain god (26Aug09)
Holy men soaked in large tubs praying to the gods for rain.
The more amusing route to the gods is through wedding ceremonies arranged for animals – favourites are donkeys, buffaloes, even frogs.
But what has all this to do with rain? Tsk, tsk – you are not to ask questions; reason does not enter the process.
When the remote village of Takhatpur, India, experienced a severe drought, the villagers decided to summon the rain gods by getting two frogs married in a ceremony. They believe that frogs can sense when rain is due. The whole village takes part and the children watch in wonder (see pic below)
Witnesses: Children gather round to watch the nuptials as two men hold the frogs together in a kissing position

Beautiful ceremony: The frogs are doused with an orange powder and pretty flowers before posing for their wedding photos
During the ceremony, prayers are said to the rain gods.  The frogs are then doused with an orange powder and pretty flowers before posing for their wedding photos. Women grip the frogs to stop them hopping off before the ceremony is completed.
A village woman dresses the amphibians in red cloaks and matching headdresses.
I now pronounce you frog and frog: A woman in traditional dress robes dresses the newlyweds in fetching red and gold
After the ceremony.  the newlyweds are set free near a local stream or river to enjoy their honeymoon.