Northeast nodal officer gets SMS threat

BANGALORE: Deputy commissioner of police (intelligence) VS D'Souza, the nodal officer appointed to address the fears of northeast communities in the wake of their exodus from the city, on Wednesday received an SMS threat on his mobile. D'Souza immediately filed a complaint with Cubbon Park police.

The SMS read: 'D'Souza, tu baahar ajao. Tere ko nahi chodoonga. Tumhe kutte ka mout mar daloonga (D'Souza, you come out. We will kill you like a dog)'.

"We are checking the origin of the SMS. The mobile from which it was sent is located in Bijapur. We have some suspects already on our radar," said a police source.

"We have a strong suspicion the SMS was sent to him after his mobile number was publicized in the media to serve as a helpline for northeast citizens in distress," the source said.

"We suspect the SMS might have been sent by a jailed suspect. The SMS trail led us close to Bijapur jail, but it is yet to be confirmed," said a senior police officer. Several terror suspects arrested by D'Souza are housed in the jail here.


D'Souza has been instrumental in cracking several cases related to terror modules in the state, with some sensational cases including those related to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

With over three decades of service, D'Souza was instrumental in arresting seven LeT members. He had also recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition, besides explosives, after the attack on the Indian Institute of Science in 2005. Among those arrested by D'Souza is LeT commander Bilal. They were sentenced to life imprisonment and are now lodged in Bijapur jail.