Olympic 'gatecrasher' Madhura Nagendra apologises

A woman who appeared in India's Olympic contingent in the opening ceremony has apologised for an "error of judgement".

Madhura Nagendra told the NDTV news channel she was a cast member at the event, and had not gatecrashed it.

Indian team officials were angered by the woman's presence and had sought an apology.

The head of the London 2012 organising committee, Lord Coe, said she was a cast member who got "slightly over-excited" and joined the ceremony.

Ms Nagendra became known as "the woman in red" because of the colour of the top she was wearing.

She said she had entered the cast after "rounds of audition" and did not walk into the stadium "off the streets".

"[It was an] error of judgement [that] I landed up walking with the athletes. I think I have hurt the sentiments of my people. I apologise," Ms Nagendra said.

"There was chaos. Thousands of people were walking. I was blinded and as a result there was an error of judgement."

Ms Nagendra said she was "hurt" by the criticism of her act on social media outlets.

"I am a proud woman of India with a lot of enthusiasm. I was taken aback by the criticism. I hope this incident will be forgiven and I want to move forward."

India is fielding 81 athletes at the London Games.