Treatment of minority in India

Afshain Afzal

The state citizens of disputed Jammu and Kashmir are not Indian nationals and are struggling for their independence from the Indian illegal occupation of their state. Jammu and Kashmir state is among those numerous independent states of British India who were forcibly included in Indian union without any legal provision.
Struggle for independence is their fundamental and legitimate right guaranteed by United Nations but a drama is being staged as if internal unrest in India is linked with freedom struggle in held Jammu and Kashmir state, insurgency in the North East and left wing movement in the country. In a recent statement, Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) chief disclosed, “The spread of Indian Mujahideen (IM) is the biggest threat to Indian internal security”. A week earlier, while addressing a three-day conference of Directors General of Police (DGPs) he dubbed members of IM as terrorists and declared the organization as threat to the world peace. Interestingly, the worthy well informed Intelligence chief failed to realize that Indian Mujahedeen are Indian nationals and his statement would be an evidence that proves that home-grown terrorism comes from within India. One wonders how New Delhi could miss another opportunity to blame neighbouring Pakistan and freedom struggle in Jammu and Kashmir state behind the acts of terrorism in India. It appears that there is a communication gap between New Delhi and its Intelligence network as IM has nothing to do with independence movement in Jammu and Kashmir. It seems that the statement has been propagated to hide the series of terrorist acts carried out by Hindu extremist groups, who have already made confession before Indian courts with regard to their involvement in Mumbai, Bangalore, Nandand, Samjhota Express and other bomb blasts.
Confessing Indian home-grown terrorism, Indian Union Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde claimed, “The terror outfit IM is responsible for three out of four terror attacks that have taken place in the country this year while the forth blast that took place in Bangalore was the handiwork of some misguided Indian fundamentalist belonging to Al-Ummah outfit”. The Home Minister pronounced, “India is facing multifarious challenges on the internal security front in the form of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir insurgency in some parts of the North East, the threat of left wing extremism and terrorism in hinterland of the country”. In other words, the Minister has admitted that terrorists behind Hyderabad twin blasts, explosions in Bodhgaya, Patna and Bangalore were carried out by Indian home grown terrorists. In the same regard, Indian government claims major breakthrough in fight against terrorism by arresting hundreds of Indian terrorists in order to bring them to justice. With all the respect for Indian IB’s judgment in differentiating between freedom struggle, insurgency and terrorism, how they term Kashmiris’ links with Kashmiris across the Line of Control (LOC) in Pakistan as insurgency, when right of self-determination of Kashmiris on both sides of LOC have been recognized by UNSC’s resolutions. No doubt, the artificial LOC cannot stop the Kashmiris including the minority to visit their own land on the other side.
During the recent Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) at New Delhi, top Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Geelani as well as other Kashmiri leaders of repute met the Pakistani delegation and demanded a resolution on the Kashmir issue. Although, under the mutual agreement between the representatives of Hindus (All India National Congress) and Muslims (All India Muslim League) on partition, state of Jammu and Kashmir as well as other independent states were to be dealt vide Cabinet Mission Plan but in 1955 India backed out from the agreement and illegally announced held Jammu and Kashmir state as integral part of India. The Resolutions of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed in 1948 and 1949, accepting the right of self-determination of Kashmiris through plebiscite was also not honoured by New Delhi. Criticizing meeting of Kashmiris with their Pakistani brothers on the sidelines of ASEM, Indian puppet Chief Minister of disputed Jammu and Kashmir-state, Omar Abdullah while dubbing Kashmiris as enemies of India said, "The biggest misfortune of Kashmiris is that our enemies are not outside our state, we ourselves are our enemies." The Kashmiris are behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ but how long the civilized countries of the world and International humanitarian organizations would ignore right of elf-determination of these Indian black propaganda ridden state citizens, internationally recognized as refugees.
It is interesting to note that Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh in his address to the UN General Assembly this year pronounced UN Resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir outdated, asked Pakistan to shut down terrorist machinery on its soil and said that there can be no compromise on the territorial integrity of India of which Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part. He said, "State-sponsored cross-border terrorism is of particular concern to India, also on account of the fact that the epicentre of terrorism in our region is located in our neighbourhood in Pakistan." If we analyse the statement of Chief Minister of disputed Jammu and Kashmir state we would come to the conclusion that Kashmiris who vow for the right of self-determination on the basis of UNSC resolutions are treated as enemies of India, “... our enemies are not outside our state, we ourselves are our enemies." One wonders why India fails to track back her own statements about its home grown terrorism and malign Pakistan for terrorism on India soil at international forums and platforms. It has become a routine for Indian leaders visiting foreign countries during conferences, seminars, workshops and high level visits to malign Pakistan for her own misdeeds but this time they have crossed all limits and dubbed their own Muslim minority as terrorists. The international intelligence community has been so much brainwashed by Indian agencies and leadership that they are unable to distinguish between persons holding hard-line beliefs for independence and terrorists. It is an open secret that the Indian Army Northern Command and Para Military Forces have been tasked by New Delhi to hunt Kashmiris in fake encounters and operations, just like wild rabbits, in order to prove their link with other half of their state in Pakistan. Kashmir living in Indian side of Jammu and Kashmir state are lucky that their state is not under the Indian Union otherwise their fate would not have been different from Indian Muslims who are dubbed as Indian Mujahideen.
New Delhi is much perturbed as Indian terrorists have penetrated in a number of foreign countries including Gulf and neighbouring South Asia states. According to an estimate, alone in Pakistan, over 4.8 million Indian national are residing illegally. Most of them penetrated illegally after 1972 and many of them have even arranged computerized national identity cards to evade their illegality and are in occupation of abandoned properties. In the recent past, on the request of Indian government, Saudi Arabia has deported three wanted Indian terrorists, who have been identified as Abu Jundal, who was involved in Mumbai attack, IM activist Fasih Mohammed, who was involved in Delhi and Bangalore blasts and another terrorist Abdur Rayees, who was involved in 2009 explosive haul case in Kerala. Few day back New Delhi has again requested Saudi Arabia to deport a group of another four Indian terrorists, who entered Saudi Arabia on Indian passports. The said so called terrorists are claimed to have been involved in bomb blasts Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore and New Delhi. It has also come also come to light that a number of Indian terrorists have been successful in acquiring Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali passports to operate their terrorist activities from other countries. One wonders how a country like India can dreams permanent seat in UNSC when it dubs its own Muslim minority as terrorists and is not ready to honour UNSC resolutions.
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